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Price List - Online Quotation Generator

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The StellarNet team of expert Application Sales Engineers have preconfigured a set of modular systems for your convenience.  When making your own quotations, choose from this list to make sure you don’t miss a fiber!  If you think you are a SpectraWizard, feel free to scroll down and add any of our offered spectrometers, light sources, and fiber optic accessories to your own customized quotation.

Once you have selected all of your items by clicking the “Add to Quick Quote” buttons you can view your quote to make sure you have everything you need.  Next, enter in your contact information and you will automatically receive an itemized PDF quotation of all of your selected products sent to your email. 

At anytime you can press the back navigation button in your browser to come back to this Online Quotation Generator page to add new items. if you have any questions. 

Miniature Spectrometers

SpectraWiz® Operation Software Included

$3,360.00Add to cart

BLUE-Wave miniature fiber optic spectrometer, 2048 element detector. PC interface via high speed USB-2 connection. Select model name from model table on webpage (eg: BLUE-Wave-NIR3). Price includes16-bit electronics upgrade, slit, integrated order sorting filters, and USB-2 interface cable.
UV upgrade (UDET) =$158 , UVN upgrade=$500, DLENS upgrade =$200, Premium CCD/PDA upgrade= $500

$3,950.00Add to cart

BLACK-Comet Concave Grating spectrometer for UV-VIS. NO mirrors, aberration corrected, flat field provides uniform resolution! Choose model C (190-850nm) or CXR (280-900nm). Price includes 16-bit electronics upgrade, slit, UV detector upgrade (UDET), integrated order sorting filters, and USB-2 interface cable. Interchangeable slit upgrade- $1750

$4,450.00Add to cart

BLACK-Comet-SR Concave Grating Super Range spectrometer for UV-VIS-NIR, NO mirrors, aberration corrected, flat field provides uniform resolution! Choose model C-SR (200-1080nm) or CXR-SR (220-1100nm). Price includes16-bit electronics upgrade, slit, UV detector upgrade, integrated order sorting filters, and USB-2 interface cable. Interchangeable slit upgrade- $1750

$3,950.00Add to cart

BLACK-Comet-HR Concave Grating High Resolution spectrometer for UV and VIS, NO mirrors, aberration corrected, flat field provides uniform resolution! Choose model C-HR-UV (200-600nm) or C-HR-VIS (380-750nm). Price includes16-bit electronics upgrade, slit, UV detector upgrade, integrated order sorting filters, and USB-2 interface cable. Interchangeable slit upgrade- $1750

$1,750.00Add to cart

TEC Detector Upgrade for BLACK-Comet-  Adds an integrated Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC)  to any BLACK-Comet spectrometer improving S/N by reducing noise effects over 50% at long exposures (<3000s). TEC includes a sealed and isolated detector enclosure with specialized heat sink and air flow design for added stability and cool operation.

$5,435.00Add to cart

Silver-Nova fiber optic “Super Range” spectrometer for UV-VIS-NIR 200-1100nm. Price includes slit, UV detector upgrade, detector lens, integrated order sorting filters, composite grating mounted in large optical bench for wide range, TE cooled detector, and USB-2 interface cable. Interchangeable slit upgrade- $1750

$8,535.00Add to cart

Silver-Nova-TEC-X2 Compact research grade spectrometer for > 190-1110nm range, TE cooled 2048 element CCD detector with enhanced UV coating & Detector Lens assembly for extreme sensitivity, 600g/mm dual blaze grating for super range efficiency,  integrated order sorting filters, slit-25, USB-2 interface cable, +5VDC, and Power Adapter. Includes the 2-Stage eXtreme TEC detector upgrade to maintains a constant -30 degrees below ambient and increase signal to noise by reducing noise effects by over %80 at long exposures (<3000ms). TEC includes a sealed and isolated detector enclosure with specialized heat sink and air flow design for added stability and cool operation. Interchangeable slit upgrade- $1750

$4,200.00Add to cart

High Resolution (HR) Spectrometer High Resolution fiber optic spectrometer with 2048 element detector, range 200-1100nm with various model and slit options. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, software, and USB-2 interface cable.

$6,300.00Add to cart

Highest Resolution X (HR-X) Spectrometer Highest Resolution fiber optic spectrometer with 2048 element detector, range 200-1100nm with various model and slit options. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, software, and USB-2 interface cable. HR-X optical bench quadruples the optical path and resolution capabilities of standard models.

$15,500.00Add to cart

DWARF-STAR NIR InGaAs fiber optic spectrometer with miniature size (5″x2″x3″) and extremely robust design with 512 element PDA, range 900-1700nm, 2.5nm resolution with 25um slit, 16-bit digitizer, high speed USB-2. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, +5V power supply and USB-2 interface cable. OEM pricing available!

$21,525.00Add to cart

DWARF-STAR NIR InGaAs fiber optic spectrometer with miniature size (5″x2″x3″) and extremely robust design with 1024 element PDA, range 900-1700nm, 1.25nm resolution with 25um slit, 16-bit digitizer, high speed USB-2. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, +5V power supply and USB-2 interface cable. OEM pricing available!

$26,250.00Add to cart

RED-Wave extended range NIR spectrometer with cooled detector, 512 element PDA, various range options between 900-2500nm, 16nm resolution with 25um slit, 16bit digitizer, high speed USB-2. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, +5V power supply and USB-2 interface cable. Extremely Low Noise Detectors Currently Available!

$33,600.00Add to cart

RED-Wave extended range NIR spectrometer with cooled detector, 1024 element PDA, various ranges between 900-2300nm, 16nm resolution with 25um slit, 16bit digitizer, high speed USB-2. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, +5V power supply and USB-2 interface cable. Extremely Low Noise Detectors Currently Available!

$9,699.00Read more

RED-Wave-Micro NIR spectrometer with MEMS technology for wavelength range 1750-2150nm and single element InGaAs detector. Compact size for OEM and NIR sensing applications.

$22,575.00Add to cart

WDM-Wave-NIR3-HR InGaAs fiber optic spectrometer with cooled detector 1024 element PDA, range 1500-1640nm (Telcom WDM), 0.4nm resolution with 25um slit, 16-bit digitizer, high speed USB-2. Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, +5V power supply and USB-2 interface cable. (512 detector = 1530-1605nm)

$2,350.00Add to cart

GREEN-Wave miniature fiber optic spectrometer, 2048 element CCD detector. PC interface via high speed USB-2 or parallel cable. Select model name from data sheet link below (eg: GREEN-Wave-NIR3). Price includes slit, integrated order sorting filters, and USB interface cable.

$4,385.00Add to cart

Raman-SR Standard Resolution Raman spectrometer via enhanced CCD.  Typically recommended for OEM and portable applications where the specific sample set is known and works well without detector cooling. PC interface via high speed USB-2 connection

$6,300.00Add to cart

Raman-HR-TEC 405/532/633/785/830 Raman High Resolution spectrometers with enhanced detector array tuned for Raman laser wavelength with advanced detector lens assembly for ultra sensitivity at long exposure times. PC interface via high speed USB-2 connection with included 1-stage Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) for best S/N with detector integration times > 10 seconds.

$9,250.00Add to cart

Raman-HR-TEC-X2  405/532/633/785/830 High Resolution configuration with high sensitivity detector lens assembly, 16-bit low noise electronics, high resolution slit, and 2-Stage Thermoelectric detector cooler. The 2-Stage eXtreme TEC maintains a constant -30 degrees below ambient temperature and increases signal to noise by reducing noise effects by over 80% at long exposures (<3000ms). TEC includes a sealed and isolated detector enclosure with specialized heat sink and air flow design for added stability and cool operation

$12,600.00Add to cart

Quasar-TEC 532/638/785 highest throughput f/2 optical design Raman spectrometer with increased photon collection over 10x! This translates into taking spectroscopic measurements 10x faster, reducing noise, and increasing detection limits astronomically. Quasar spectrometers include an enhanced CCD array with advanced detector lens assembly for sensitivity at long exposure times.

$15,700.00Add to cart

Quasar-TEC-X2 532/638/785 highest throughput f/2 optical design Raman spectrometer with increased photon collection over 10x! This translates into taking spectroscopic measurements 10x faster, reducing noise, and increasing detection limits astronomically. Quasar-TEC-X2 spectrometers include 2-stage detector cooling for ultimate sensitivity and performance! Great for long exposures up to 8 minutes.

$35,175.00Add to cart

Quasar-UC (UltraCool) 532/638/785 highest throughput f/2 optical design Raman spectrometer with increased photon collection over 10x! This translates into taking spectroscopic measurements 10x faster, reducing noise, and increasing detection limits astronomically. Quasar-UC spectrometers include deep cooled HYPER-Nova detector to include a low dark current, vacuum sealed, and deep cooled CCD array detector.

$28,875.00Add to cart

HYPER-Nova 532/638/785/UVIS high performance UVIS or 532 or 785nm Raman Spectrometer with low noise, front-illuminated CCD cooled to -60 deg C. Various wavelength options available.

$34,125.00Add to cart

HYPER-Nova-BIDD 532/638/785/UVIS high performance UVIS or 532 or 785nm Raman Spectrometer with low noise, back-illuminated and deep-depleted CCD cooled to -60 deg C. Various wavelength options available.

$25,865.00Add to cart

Raman-HR-TEC-1064  High Resolution NIR Raman spectrometer with low noise InGaAs array detector tuned for 1064nm Raman laser wavelength with advanced detector lens assembly for ultra sensitivity at long exposure times. PC interface via high speed USB-2 connection with included 2-stage Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC).

$32,165.00Add to cart

Quasar-TEC-1064 High Throughput Raman Spectrometer for 200-2250cm-1 @1064nm via low noise 1024 pixel InGaAs photodiode array. High throughput optics translates to over 10x optical gain compared to Raman-HR models. This translates into taking spectroscopic measurements 10x faster, reducing noise, and increasing detection limits astronomically. Quasar spectrometer includes Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) for best S/N with detector integration times >3 seconds.


$19,425.00Add to cart

Mercury-OCT 500/800 StellarElite OCT Spectrometers offers high speed 130kHz scanning over the VIS and NIR spectral range (515-660nm; 790-940nm) with 1 or 2mm imaging depth capability using 2048 high sensitivity CMOS detector.


Spectrometer Upgrades

DLENSAdds cylindrical lens on detector window of BLUE-Wave spectromeers for 3x signal gain when using 600um or 1000um fiber optic cables.

$210.00Add to cart

Jack 1-INTTL Input to Enable Spectrometer Scan. Can be upgraded after purchase.

$265.00Add to cart

Inter-SlitsInterchangeable slit upgrade available only for HR optics, SILVER-NOVA, SILVER-NOVA-X2, Raman-HR-TEC, and Raman-HR-TEC-X2 spectrometers.

$1,800.00Add to cart

zAP1The zAP1 Electronics upgrade provides auto and user controllable spectral baseline and gain for maximized dynamic range and burst mode for high speed consecutive spectral capture

$475.00Add to cart

zAP2The zAP2 WiFi upgrade enables WiFi access to any spectrometer. Now use our new StellarRAD App on your iPhone or Android device. zAP2 WiFi upgrade can be added to all new and some old spectrometers in the field. Once added, the spectrometer runs as normal receiving power from the computer’s USB; if 5VDC power is connected directly to the BLUE-Wave, the zAP2 WiFi powers up and you can connect your device. Also, the zAP2 enables USB over IP and you can run SpectraWiz wirelessly on your Windows computer.

$630.00Add to cart

SMART-ControlSMART-Control for Local Application Processing and External Interfacing. Includes an integrated zAP2 Application Processor with pre-loaded SpectraWiz Mobile App software.  Includes RS232, Digital I/O, 4-20mA Analog for PLCs, SPI, WiFi, ethernet and other external interfacing options.

$2,100.00Add to cart

Custom RangeMany spectrometers can be configured with a custom range. please discuss your requirements with a StellarNet applications scientist. Custom orders are non-returnable and require prepayment.

Light Sources

$710.00Add to cart

SL1 10,000 hour Tungsten and Krypton lamp with ~2800 Kelvin color temperature, 350-2300nm. Requires UP12V adapter.

$995.00Add to cart

SL1-Filter 10,000 hour Tungsten and Krypton lamp with ~2800 Kelvin color temp, 350-2300nm. Requires UP12V adapter. The SL1-FILTER includes a 0.5” diameter filter holder nose cone. Customers can use a variety of filters for spectral attenuation, band pass, and more. Includes Color Equalization filter to improve blue sensitivity.

$995.00Add to cart

SL1-CUV 10,000 hour Tungsten and Krypton lamp, 2800 Kelvin color temp, 350-2300nm. Requires UP12V adapter. The SL1-CUV adds a 1cm cuvette holder with integrated collimating lens.

$1,235.00Add to cart

SL1-CAL 10,000 hour Tungsten and Krypton lamp with ~2800 Kelvin color temp, 350-2300nm. Requires UP12V adapter. SL1-CAL light source with data USB for 300-1100nm.

$2,155.00Add to cart

SL3 2,000 hour, high performance UV Deuterium light source. Small 3 x4 x7 inch enclosure, ultra stable for spectroscopy. Requires UP24V adapter.

$2,680.00Add to cart

SL3-CAL High Power UV Calibration Light Source and power supply. Includes USB drive with lamp spectral intensity data in nm increments and Certificate. Requires UP24V adapter.

$4,150.00Add to cart

SL4 High Power UV-VIS Light Source is a miniature Deuterium and Tungsten halogen light source that covers the 190-2500nm range. The lamp combines the Deuterium Spectrum with the Tungsten Halogen spectrum to form a single optical path. The deuterium and halogen lamps can be individually turned on or off with rear panel control. Requires UP24V adapter.

$5,145.00Add to cart

SL4-CAL High Power UV-VIS Calibration Light Source and power supply. Includes USB drive with lamp spectral intensity data in nm increments and Certificate. Requires UP24V adapter.

$2,150.00Add to cart

SL5 miniature deuterium halogen lamp for UV-VIS-NIR, 190-2500nm, shutter and lamp controls. Requires UP12V adapter. Low output power recommended for absorption and transmission measurements.
– Add Filter holder $250. Add DCX Lens for 2-3x gain $125 (requires filter holder)

$2,575.00Add to cart

SL5-CUV Miniature fiber optic Deuterium + Halogen lamp with shutter button, independent lamp switches, and integrated cuvette holder. Requires UP12V adapter.

$4,205.00Add to cart

SL1 +SL3 The high power SL1-Filter Halogen lamp and the SL3 Deuterium lamp with DCX lens installed can easily be coupled with a fiber optic Y-bundled fiber to provide high output, stable UV-VIS-NIR light, 200-2300nm, with long bulb lifetime.

$920.00Add to cart

SL1-LED Miniature fiber optic light source with replaceable LED. Includes LED-Kit with set of 6 LEDs: LED-390, LED-470, LED-502, LED-590, LED-660, LED-white. Requires UP12V adapter.

$685.00Add to cart

LED-UV-KIT Set of 3 UV LED’s: 295nm, 345nm, and 365nm.

$6,825.00Add to cart

RamuLaser 785 Portable Raman Laser for 785nm with FC/APC attachment for standard Raman probe. Includes integrated LI battery with charger for 8 hour operation. NEW! Includes power adjustment dial for operation in step increments to the highest 499mW output power. Requires UP5V adapter.

$6,825.00Add to cart

RamuLaser 1064 Portable Raman Laser for 1064nm with FC/APC attachment for standard Raman probe. Includes integrated LI battery with charger for 8 hour operation. NEW! Includes power adjustment dial for operation in step increments to the highest 499mW output power. Requires UP5V adapter.

$8,400.00Add to cart

Ramulaser-Vial Portable Raman Source for 785nm with 499mW adjustable output and integrated vial holder with collecting optics. Includes integrated LI battery with charger for 8 hour operation. Just add a Raman spectrometer and an optical fiber! Requires UP5V adapter.

$500.00Add to cart

Laser Safety Goggles required for laser applications. Provides protection for both 785 and 1064nm lasers

$9,450.00Add to cart

Lab-LS-785 Laboratory 785nm Raman Laser Source with adjustable 350mW output power (optional 500mW). 532nm model with 100mW also available at $10,250

$685.00Add to cart

SL2 Calibration lamp with Mercury and Argon gas emission lines. Pocket size, requires UP12V adaptor.

$1,315.00Add to cart

SL6 Compact Neon light source for wavelength verification in the visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum 540 – 754 nm. Requires UP12V adapter.

$5,385.00Add to cart

UIS-LS The Uniform Illumination Sphere Light Source provides constant and uniform spectral output and luminance values.  The system consists of a 6″ integrating sphere with mounted 10W NIST traceable calibration bulb.  The light source comes with spectral output data files for Radiance and Irradiance from 300-1100nm.  Comes with mounting tripod. UIS Power Supply for 9 incremental steps to full power is $950. Iris set for lamp attenuation with constant Color Temperature (K) is $1700. 30W, 50W & 75W upgrades available.

$685.00Add to cart

IS-Lamp is a calibrated 10-Watt VIS-NIR light source mounted on a 2″ port plug. Includes data USB for 400 -1050nm for total flux Watts/nm. Includes power supply and certificate.

$1,155.00Add to cart

IS-Lamp-HP is a calibrated 50-Watt VIS-NIR light source mounted on a 2″ port plug. Includes data USB for 400 -1050nm for total flux Watts/nm. Includes power supply and certificate. 75W upgrade also available. Contact us for pricing.

Light Source Accessories and Upgrades

LENS-DCX Installs in filter nose base for 7-10x gain: available for SL1-Filter, SL3

$115.00Add to cart

Filter-U3300.5 inch diameter filter for SL3 removes deuterium spikes

$60.00Add to cart

Filter-ND50~0.5 inch diameter 50% T neutral density filter

$60.00Add to cart

Filter-AT7 0.5 inch diameter sanded fused silica attenuation filter ~7%T

$60.00Add to cart

F400YBNIRUVSR400um fiber optic Y cable bundle, 0.5 meter, solarization resistant connects SL1 + SL3

$500.00Add to cart

Laser AttenuatorAttenuation accessory for 532 or other constant output Raman laser sources. Requires Part # FC-Splice.

$430.00Add to cart

SL1-BAToptional +5VDC interface for BP1 battery operates 2 hours with spectrometer

$60.00Add to cart

SL1BReplacement bulb for SL1 Tungsten light source

$85.00Add to cart

SL3BReplacement bulb for SL3 Deuterium light source (item must be returned for installation)

$790.00Add to cart

UP12VUniversal power adapter 100-240VAC 47-63Hz for +12VDC output.

$75.00Add to cart

UIS-LS-3030 Watt Upgrade for the UIS-LS

$6,955.00Add to cart

UIS-LS-5050 Watt Upgrade for the UIS-LS

$7,485.00Add to cart

UIS-LS-7575 Watt Upgrade for the UIS-LS

$8,000.00Add to cart

UIS-PCMPower Control Module for the Uniform Illumination Source. Standard option comes with 9 incremental steps to full power.

$995.00Add to cart

UIS-IRISUniform Illumination Sphere Iris set for lamp attenuation with constant Color Temperature (K)

$1,785.00Add to cart

UIS-SpectroCalibrated BLUE-Wave-VIS spectrometer for monitoring of Uniform Illumination Sphere- Light Source (UIS-LS). Includes optical fiber and calibrations.

$4,200.00Add to cart

UIS-CALIrradiance or Radiance calibration file for additional UIS power level.

$350.00Add to cart

UIS-P-CALIrradiance or Radiance calibration package (must specify) for each UIS power level using the power control module. Includes a NIST traceable calibration service and calibration data file for each power setting.

$2,800.00Add to cart

UIS-P-CAL-NIRIrradiance calibration package for the NIR at each UIS power level using the power control module. Includes a NIST traceable calibration service and calibration data file for each power setting.

$2,800.00Add to cart

Fiber Optic Accessories

Fiber Optic Cable Pricing

F400-UVVis-SRArmored, Solarization Resistant, 400um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable for Deep UV application with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA connectors-2 meters length for wavelengths <400nm

$205.00Add to cart

F400-VISNIR Armored, 400um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA conectors-2 meter length for wavelength range 400-2200nm

$205.00Add to cart

F400YBNIRUVSRY-cable bundle, 0.5 meter, 4 SR & 3 NIR fibers connects SL1+SL3 lamps

$445.00Add to cart

F600-UVVis-SRArmored, Solarization Resistant, 600um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable for Deep UV application with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA connectors-2 meters length for wavelengths <400nm. Buy Online

$235.00Add to cart

F600-VISNIRArmored, 600um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA conectors-2 meter length for wavelength range 400-2200nm. Buy Online

$210.00Add to cart

F600-DSRArmored fiber optic cable, 600um, 2 meters, broad spectrum and solarization resistant for UV,VIS, & NIR applications

$315.00Add to cart

F600-Y-UVSRNIRArmored Y cable, 1 meter, 1 SMA to 2 SMA, SR+NIR

$445.00Add to cart

F600-Y-VISNIRArmored Y cable, 1 meter, 1 SMA to 2 SMA, all for NIR

$420.00Add to cart

F600-1TO3-SRArmored splitter, 1 meter, 1 SMA to 3 SMA, all Solarization Resistant

$500.00Add to cart

F600-1TO3-NIRArmored 600um fiber optic cable splitter, 1 meter length, 1 SMA (with 3 fibers) to 3 SMA

$500.00Add to cart

F600-1TO4-SR600um octopus cable with 4 outputs- 1 meter length

$815.00Add to cart

F1000-UVVis-SRArmored, Solarization Resistant, 1000um diameter single strand, multimode fiber cable for UV application with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA connectors-1 meters length for wavelengths <400nm

$315.00Add to cart

F1000-VISNIR-1Armored, 1000um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA conectors-1 meter length for wavelength range 400-2200nm

$315.00Add to cart

F400/meterper additional meter, armored with black PVC jacket

$100.00Add to cart

F600/meterper additional meter, armored with black PVC jacket

$135.00Add to cart

F1000/meterper additional meter, armored with black PVC jacket

$185.00Add to cart

Custom Fibers StellarNet builds custom fibers to meet your application

Read more

Radiometric Accessories

CR2 Miniature cosine receptor for UV-VIS–NIR, 1/4 inch diameter with fiber optic cable attachment for irradiance measurements. Calibration performed using NIST traceable lamp operating from 200-1700nm. Buy Online

$210.00Add to cart

CR2-APAperture for CR2, allows intensity measurement of sources that are 10 times brighter.

$210.00Add to cart

Col-TubesCosine receptor holder with field of view reducing extension tubes. Can be used as a tripod or handheld pointer (gun) for the cosine receptor accessory. Comes with a set of 3 field of view reducing “collimating tubes” with 10, 20, and 30 deg FOV. Custom lengths also available. Buy Online

$265.00Add to cart

CRLENSCosine receptor lens assembly reduces the field of view from 180 degrees to a small spot. Adjustable focus allows variable distance from target surface

$310.00Add to cart

CR2-RAis a 90° right-angle Cosine Receptor cube

$499.00Add to cart

CR2-ORMiniature cosine receptor for UV-VIS–NIR 1/4 inch diameter with fiber optic cable attachment for irradiance measurements with O-Ring seal for underwater applications

$285.00Add to cart

CR2-TPMiniature Tri-Pod stand for CR2 with 3 folding legs, setup any orientation, case included.

$75.00Add to cart

IC2Integrating Cube (Light Sphere), 2 inch cube with 5/8 inch input port, 1 SMA fiber output, Barium Sulfate white coating. Buy Online

$630.00Add to cart

IC2-TPminiature Tri-Pod stand for IC2 with 3 folding legs, setup any orientation, case included

$75.00Add to cart

IS66” integrating sphere with a 2.0” input port, 1 SMA fiber optic output, and internal white coating. Buy Online

$2,155.00Add to cart

IS-LampCalibrated Miniature 10 Watt fiber optic VIS-NIR light source for the IS6 mounted on a 2″ port cap, 400-1050nm, NIST traceable. Includes lamp with data file used to calibrate the system for total flux measurements in watts/nm and lumens/nm.

$685.00Add to cart

IS-SMASMA connector mounted on a 2″ port cap with internal white coating. Allows direct connect of SMA terminating optical fibers to integrating sphere

$185.00Add to cart

IS-RED2″ port cap with reduced sized 1″ diameter aperture with internal white coating

$185.00Add to cart

IS12 is a 12” integrating sphere that allows for internal mounting of devices for light measurement such as discrete LEDs, arrays, and bulbs. The sphere opens for simpleaccess to mounting devices. IS12 Sphere includes lamp with data file used to calibrate the system for total flux measurements in watts/nm and lumens/nm.

$4,335.00Add to cart

FCIFlash Capture Interface for spectrometer trigger

$394.00Add to cart

Reflectance, Transmission, & ATR Probe Pricing

R600-8-VisNIRReflectance/Fluorescence Probe for Visible and Near IR; 7 around 1 with 600μm fibers

$785.00Add to cart

R600-8-UVVIS-SRReflectance/Fluorescence Probe for UV and Visible; 7 around 1 with 600μm fibers

$785.00Add to cart

RTIP45 45 degree angled tip for Reflectance probes; includes locking screw for positioning

$160.00Add to cart

RTIP-LensLens tip with focus to <1mm for the R600-8-UVVIS-SR reflectance probe

$265.00Add to cart

R600-MaxUpgrades R600-8-VisNIR to 6 600um collectors for 3-4x signal gain

$1,050.00Add to cart

R400-7-2R-VISArmored 400um reflectance probe, 2 read fibers and 5 illuminating

$1,000.00Add to cart

DP400-VISNIRDip Probe for Vis-NIR

$2,415.00Add to cart

DP400-UVVIS-SRDip Probe for UV-Vis – solarization resistant

$2,415.00Add to cart

DP-TIPAdditional tips for DP400, specify path length of 2/5/10/20mm

$520.00Add to cart

SATRIndustrial Sapphire ATR Probe, 230-2200nm, index of refraction up to 1.5 (-50 to 260 deg C max 1200 psi), 3 meter, 7x200 illuminate & 7x200um read

$7,330.00Add to cart

DRP1Industrial Diffuse Reflectance Process Probe Contact Sales @ StellarNet!

Probe Holders, Fixtures, and Accessories

RPH2R600-8 Reflectance probe holder maintains 45 and 90 degree angle for color measurement of solids.

$210.00Add to cart

RPH3Reflectance Probe Holder stand for 90° angle measurements. Includes base plate, vertical rod, & positioning mount for R600 probes.

$315.00Add to cart

RTIP455° angled tip for Reflectance probes; includes locking screw for positioning

$160.00Add to cart

RFX-1VIS-NIR Reflectance Fixture with integrated 10 watt halogen bulb

$365.00Add to cart

RFX-2VIS-NIR Reflectance Fixture with integrated 10,000 hour 5 watt halogen bulb for color measurements

$575.00Add to cart

RFX-3DReflectance Fixture with 3D fiber connections. 1 with 3 fiber connectors to spectrometer each positioned 120 degrees in a circle thus eliminating the need to rotate coarse grain samples (requires F600-1TO3-NIR)

$785.00Add to cart

RFX-I Industrial reflectance fixture with an integrated 5 watt halogen bulb and fiber optic connector to spectrometer. Industrial fixture is made with 304 stainless steel for safety and cleanliness in food production.

$1,575.00Add to cart

TXF-1Transmission fixture with 1cm gap for sample insertion. 2 way fiber attachment includes 2 LENS-QCOL collimators. Measures sample transmittance and allows absorbance measurement of 1cm cuvettes.

$550.00Add to cart

TXF-4Transmission fixture with variable path length (up to 10cm). Stands vertical only with samples placed on a shelf. Includes 2 lens collimators (see LENS-QCOL and LENS-COL).

$580.00Add to cart

TXF-IC2Vertical transmission fixture with variable path length, includes 1 collimating lens and 1 miniature 2″ integrating sphere with 5/8″ port. For thick and curved samples.

$885.00Add to cart

RPH-3KHorizontal bar with probe mount lock -adds to TXF-4 for use as RPH-3

$125.00Add to cart

TXF-4KHorizontal plates with 2 LENS-QCOL -adds to RPH-3 for use as TXF-4

$340.00Add to cart

Raman Accessories & Upgrades Pricing

Raman- Probe-532Attaches to 532nm laser via FC/APC and spectrometer via SMA 905, has integrated Raman filters and optics (working distance– 4.5mm), high efficiency collection fibers for StellarNet Raman spectrometers

$3,935.00Add to cart

Raman- Probe-785Attaches to 785nm laser via FC/APC and spectrometer via SMA 905, has integrated Raman filters and optics (working distance– 4.5mm), high efficiency collection fibers for StellarNet Raman spectrometers

$3,620.00Add to cart

Raman-Probe-1064Attaches to source via FC/APC and spectrometer via SMA 905, has integrated Raman filters and optics with working distance of 4.5mm to sample.

$3,935.00Add to cart

RPH4Raman Probe Holder Block for the Raman- Probe. Accepts vials and solid samples.

$315.00Add to cart

RPH5Vertical Raman Probe Holder Block for powder and solids. Samples are placed onto a slide and inserted into the measurement chamber of the block. Includes a laser safety interlock and base.

$685.00Add to cart

Raman-Probe-TIPAdditional tip for Raman Probe. Choose working distance 2, 5, 7.5, 10, or 12.5mm

$210.00Add to cart

Raman-Probe-TIP-TeleRaman probe tip lens assembly attachment for 3cm working distance. Designed to by mounted on to standard Raman probe with 5mm working distance

$995.00Add to cart

StellarSCOPEStellarNet configured Microscope equipped with 4,10, & 40x objectives, CMOS 1.3 Mpixel Camera, optical switch, and required coupling accessories

$11,550.00Add to cart

SERS-25Package of 25 SERS substrates

$265.00Add to cart

SERS-100Package of 100 SERS substrates

$995.00Read more

TEC-X2Upgrade your Raman spectrometer with a 2-Stage Thermoelectric detector cooler.
The 2-Stage eXtreme TEC maintains a constant -30 degrees below ambient temperature and increases signal to noise by reducing noise effects by over %80 at long exposures (<3000ms). TEC includes a sealed and isolated detector enclosure with specialized heat sink and air flow design for added stability and cool operation. Best for integration times >1 minute

$2,950.00Add to cart

Inter-SlitsUpgrade your Raman Spectrometer with Interchangeable slits .
Includes modification to optical bench input to allow access to exchangeable slits. Includes pack of 14, 50, 100, 200um slits. 14um for best resolution and 200um for high sensitivity applications. Tight-Slit locking technology means no hardware or screwdriver required.

$1,800.00Add to cart

Cuvette Holders & Flow Cell Pricing

CUV14-way fiber optic cuvette holder for measuring absorbance, transmittance, and fluorescence. Includes 2 Lens-Q-Col

$550.00Add to cart

CUV–Ffiber optic cuvette holder for SL1-LED excitation with 2 collimating lens for measuring fluorescence. F600Y fiber included for dual pickup

$940.00Add to cart

CUV-TEMPfiber optic cuvette holder for measuring absorbance and fluorescence. Includes temperature control from -30°C to +105 °C

$8,400.00Add to cart

QCA-5Set of Five Research Grade Quartz Cuvettes with 1cm Path Length and Two Polished Sides for Absorbance Measurements.

$475.00Add to cart

QCV-5Package of 5 Research Grade Quartz Cuvettes with 1cm Path Length and Four Polished Sides for Fluorescence.

$995.00Add to cart

Raman Vial50 Qorpak GLC-00980 Borosilicate Glass 4mL Clear Type I Screw Thread Vial, with Green Thermoset F217 and PTFE Lined Cap Attached, 15mm Diameter x 45mm Height

$87.50Add to cart

MFC10 mm optical path SMA-Z Cell with Fused Silica Windows (Specify Ultem, Plexiglas, Steel, Teflon or PEEK). Optional 2.5, 5, 20, and 50 mm optical path lengths are available. MFC-100 with 100mm path length is available for $2000

$1,575.00Add to cart

MFFCMFFC is a mini fluorescence flow cell that has a fiber optic cable input to send excitation energy through a fused silica window into a 2-mm inner-diameter sample compartment. Emitted energy is collected by a second fiber, oriented at 90°, that connects to a spectrometer configured for fluorescence

$1,575.00Add to cart

TCP1Industrial Transmission CellContact Sales @ StellarNet!
IMFCIndustrial Mini Flow CellContact Sales @ StellarNet!

Lenses and Couplers Pricing

LENS-QCOL lens collimator for UV/VIS/NIR 190-2000nm, attaches to fiber tip to focus distant light into fiber tip. Screws directly in CUV1 and TXF1. Buy Online

$235.00Add to cart

LENS-COLlens collimator for VIS/NIR 350-2200nm, attaches to fiber tip to focus distant light into fiber tip. Screws directly in CUV1 and TXF1. Buy Online

$205.00Add to cart

SMA-Coupler Coupler for Direct Attach to Spectrometer. Buy Online

$40.00Add to cart

Splice BushingCoupler for 2 fiber optic cables. Buy Online

$20.00Add to cart

FC-SpliceEnables the connection of two FC fibers

$40.00Add to cart

SMA-FCadapter used to adjoin optical components with different connection types, SMA-905 and FC

$130.00Add to cart

SMA-C-MountSMA-905 adapter allows connection of the spectrometer to other optical devices such as microscopes and telescopes

$195.00Add to cart

VFT Vacuum Feed Through, 600 micron UV/VIS, mounted on a 275″ CF Flange with male SMA-905 connectors on each end. Many other options available

$1,130.00Add to cart

In-Line Filter Holder0.5" diameter in-line filter holder. SMA905 connection on each end

$185.00Add to cart

Spectroscopy Standards Pricing

RS5050mm diameter white reflectance standard made of Halon. It is used to take reference measurements using the R600 Reflectance Probe. The white standard will reflect >97% of the light from 300-1700nm.

$365.00Add to cart

RS-HRHigh-reflectivity Specular Reflectance Standard is a mirrored, fused-silica standard that can be used as a reference when measuring surfaces with high specular reflectance such as optical substrates, coatings, and metals

$265.00Add to cart

TF-STD1Thin Film standards for thickness measurement verification. Includes Si substrate for reference with 2 additional substrates with 100nm and 1000nm thickness of SIO2. Additional thickness standards (10nm and 10,000nm) are available.

$580.00Add to cart

Haze-StdsThin Film standards for thickness measurement verification. Includes Si substrate for reference with 2 additional substrates with 100nm and 1000nm thickness of SIO2. Additional thickness standards (10nm and 10,000nm) can be added to the set for $100 each.

$3,200.00Add to cart

Reagent Test Kits for Chemical Analysis

Water Nitrate Test KitMeasure nitrate levels in various types of aqueous samples using a preconfigured StellarNet UV-VIS spectrometer system. Test well water, drinking water, agricultural water, sea, pond water, and more. Available in Standard Range (0.5 ppm – 10.0 ppm Nitrate-N) or Low Range (0.1 ppm – 2.0 ppm Nitrate-N). Includes pack of 5 tests.

$50.00Add to cart

Water Phosphate Test KitMeasure phosphate levels in various types of aqueous samples using a preconfigured StellarNet UV-VIS spectrometer system. Test municipal and industrial wastewater, agricultural runoff, and more. Available in Standard Range (5.0 - 20.0 Phosphate) or Low Range ( 0.5 - 5.0 ppm Phosphate). Includes pack of 5 tests.

$50.00Add to cart

Portability Option Pricing

Instrument CaseDurable water-tight equipment case with customizable foam interior

$195.00Add to cart

BP2Battery Pack, Lithium-Ion, 7400mA/h, 2 x 5V & 2 x 12V out

$950.00Add to cart

Preconfigured Spectrometer Systems

Factory installed to order with spectrometer instrumentation & software

$7,015.00Add to cart

LED-System Preconfigured LED Measurement System with IS6 6″ integrating sphere, BLUE-Wave-VIS spectrometer for spectral range 350-1150nm, F600-VISNIR fiber optic cable, & RAD-CAL NIST traceable Radiant Flux calibration in Watts/nm. SpectraWiz Spectroscopy software is included FREE.  Preconfigured system also includes an IS-Lamp NIST traceable calibration source for system recalibrations & DUT absorption corrections as well as an IRRAD-CAL-DOC Certificate of Calibration.
Go to LED Measurement page for more configurations…

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$5,850.00Add to cart

Solar-Rad Preconfigured Solar Measurement system features everything needed to perform light measurements over the 300-1100nm wavelength range (with deep UV options available). System includes BLACK-Comet-CXR-SR spectrometer (220-1100nm),  F600-UVVIS-SR fiber optic cable, CR2 cosine receptor, CR2-TP positioning tripod, IRRAD-CAL-UVN NIST traceable calibration, and IRRAD-CAL Certificate of calibration. Go to Solar Measurement page for more configurations…

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$7,120.00Add to cart

Display-System Preconfigured SpectroRadiometer system routine analysis of all types of displays and monitors.  System consists of a SILVER-Nova spectrometer, F600-VISNIR fiber optic cable, CR2 cosine receptor, CRLENS, RAD-CAL Radiance calibrations in (W/m^2/sr/Cd/m^2), RAD-CAL low light calibration, & RAD-CAL-DOC NIST traceable certificate. Go to Display page for more configurations…

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$7,370.00Add to cart

Fluor-System Preconfigured Fluorescence system for steady state analysis of liquid samples. System consists of SILVER-Nova spectrometer with 200um slit installed, SL1-LED, CUV-F fluorescence cuvette holder that includes a F600-Y-VISNIR fiber optic cable, and SpectraWiz Spectroscopy Software. Go to Fluorimetry page for more configurations…

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$6,915.00Add to cart

Chem-System Preconfigured Chemistry system for absorption analysis of liquid samples. System consists of BLACK-Comet-C 25um slit spectrometer, SL5-CUV, F1000-UVVIS-SR-1 fiber optic cable, and SpectraWiz Spectroscopy Software. Go to Chemistry page for more configurations…

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$6,380.00Add to cart

Color-System Preconfigured Colorimetry system for color measurements of solid samples. System consists of BLACK-Comet-CXR-100 spectrometer, SL1-Filter tungsten halogen lamp, R600-8-VisNIR reflectance probe, RS50 white reflectance standard, RPH probe holder, and SpectraWiz Spectroscopy Software. Go to Colorimetry page for more configurations…

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$21,555.00Add to cart

Dual-Radiometer This system is a Dual Spectrometer system that includes a BLUE-Wave-UVN spectrometer (250-1100nm) and a DWARF-Star NIR spectrometer (900-1700nm).  Both of these spectrometers are coupled via a F600-Y-UVSRNIR fiber optic cable and are attached to a CR2 cosine receptor and CR2-Tp tripod. The entire system is calibrated against NIST traceable source for spectral irradiance measurment in W/m^2 from 250-1700nm (item: IRRADCAL-UVN + IRRADNIR-CAL). Preconfigured system comes with additional CR2-AP aperture and IRRAD-CAL DOC certificate of calibration. See Dual-DSR Page for more models and configurations.

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$34,125.00Add to cart

Dual DSR-CXR-512 (Dual Detector Super Range) BLACK-Comet concave grating spectrometer plus RED-Wave NIR spectrometer with SL1-Filter lamp, F600-Y-VISNIR splitter fiber, and DP400 dip probe for in situ absorption measurements 280-2300nm. See Dual-DSR Page for more models and configurations.

$15,350.00Add to cart

Raman-785-Vial System – The Preconfigured low cost 785nm Raman Spectrometer system contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy at 785nm and can perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. The System comes with a Ramulaser-Vial Raman laser with adjustable power from 0-499mW with an integrated vial holder and Raman collection optics and the Raman-HR-TEC thermo electrically cooled Raman spectrometer for high resolution and high sensitivity. A set of 25 Raman Vials and Raman safety goggles are also included.  More Raman System Configurations…

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$17,765.00Add to cart

Raman-785 System – The Preconfigured 785nm Raman Spectrometer System contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy at 785nm and can perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. The System comes with a Ramulaser-785 Raman laser with adjustable power from 0-499mW, the Raman-HR-TEC thermo electrically cooled Raman spectrometer for high resolution and high sensitivity, and a Raman probe and RPH4 probe holder with sample vial chamber. Preconfigured system also comes with a set 25 Raman Vials, SER-30 package of SERS substrates and Raman safety goggles.  More Raman System Configurations…

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$22,205.00Add to cart

Raman-532 System – The Preconfigured 532nm Raman Spectrometer System contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy at 532nm and can perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. The System comes with a Laboratory Raman laser (Lab-LS-532) with 100mW output power, the Raman-HR-TEC thermo electrically cooled Raman spectrometer for high resolution and high sensitivity, and a Raman probe.  System also comes with a 25 pack of Raman Vials and safety goggles. More Raman System Configurations…

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$37,380.00Add to cart

Raman-1064 System – The Preconfigured 1064nm Raman Spectrometer System contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy at 1064nm and can perform quick identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples. The System comes with a Ramulaser-1064 Raman laser with adjustable power from 0-499mW, the Raman-HR-TEC-IG (1024 pixel) thermo electrically cooled Raman spectrometer for high resolution and high sensitivity, and a Raman probe.  System also comes with a 25 pack of Raman Vials and safety goggles. More Raman System Configurations…

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$16,695.00Add to cart

Stellar-Haze System – Our preconfigured Total Optical Transmittance and Haze Measurement system includes a compact spectrometer, fiber optic light source, and integrating sphere designed with a haze diffuse aperture to allow comparison of total transmission to diffuse (>2.5 degrees). The system will also come with the SpectraWiz-Haze program that calculates haze values in real time and displays all spectra for easy viewing. System is delivered with Haze verification standards for easy start up. Traceable standards can be purchased separately.  More about Haze Systems …

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Preconfigured StellarElite™ Systems

Top-of-the-line for your most demanding spectroscopy applications.

$30,560.00Add to cart

StellarElite Display System with broadband spectral range and deep cooling offers the highest performance when it comes to display measurement. Systems are calibrated for radiance and offer the lowest light detection capability with Low Dark Current (LDC) Technology. Great low illumination detection for backlit displays and even for astronomical and dark sky applications!  System consists of a HYPER-Nova spectrometer, F600-VISNIR fiber optic cable, CR2 cosine receptor, CRLENSRAD-CAL Radiance calibrations in (W/m^2/sr/Cd/m^2), RAD-CAL low light calibration, & RAD-CAL-DOC NIST traceable certificate. Go to StellarElite Preconfigured Systems…

$32,530.00Add to cart

StellarElite LED-System with broadband spectral range and deep cooling offers the highest performance when it comes to LED measurement. Systems are calibrated for radiant flux and offer the lowest light detection, accuracy, and repeatability possible with Low Dark Current (LDC) Technology. Great LED research and light color analysis.  System with IS6 6″ integrating sphere, HYPER-Nova, F600-VISNIR fiber optic cable, & RAD-CAL NIST traceable Radiant Flux calibration in Watts/nm. StellarPro Spectroscopy software is included FREE.  Preconfigured system also includes an IS-Lamp NIST traceable calibration source for system recalibrations & DUT absorption corrections as well as a RAD-CAL-DOC Certificate of Calibration.
Go to StellarElite Preconfigured Systems…

$31,305.00Add to cart

StellarElite Color-System with CIELab with dE color matching is available with StellarPro Spectroscopy Software. Couple with our StellarSCOPE-AM for automated spectroscopic color mapping. Preconfigured Colorimetry system consists of HYPER-Nova, SL1-Filter tungsten halogen lamp, R600-8-VisNIR reflectance probe, RS50 white reflectance standard, RPH probe holder, and StellarPro Spectroscopy Software. Go to StellarElite Preconfigured Systems…

$30,810.00Add to cart

StellarElite Fluor-System for fluorescence spectroscopy offers the highest performance when it comes to low light detection. Research fluorescence with long exposures and high resolutions are now possible with our new StellarElite pre-configured systems. The system consists of a HYPER-Nova spectrometer, SL1-LEDCUV-F fluorescence cuvette holder that includes an F600-Y-VISNIR fiber optic cable, and StellarPro Spectroscopy Software. Go to StellarElite Preconfigured Systems…

$31,840.00Add to cart

StellarElite Chem-System for chemical absorption with deep cooling offers the lowest detection capability and repeatability with Low Dark Current (LDC) detector technology. StellarElite System consists of HYPER-Nova spectrometer, SL5-CUVF1000-UVVIS-SR-1 fiber optic cable, and StellarPro Spectroscopy Software. Go to StellarElite Preconfigured Systems…

$130,810.00Add to cart

 StellarElite 532/785 Dual Wavelength Raman Microscope includes our Quasar-UltraCool spectrometers with 10x optical gain and StellarSCOPE Auto-Mapping system for high-end research applications. The StellarElite System contains everything you need for Raman Spectroscopy at 532 and 785nm including Raman Lasers, probes, accessories, and our StellarPro automation control software. More Raman System Configurations…

StellarCASE Analyzers for "Open & Measure" Application

Brand New Products

$34,600.00Add to cart

StellarCASE-LIBS rugged and fully integrated portable Case System for elemental analysis using LIBS. Includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation for 200-800nm, 1064nm Nd:YAG laser with 25mJ per pulse laser excitation source, and features an internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons. The sample chamber mounts directly into the system’s acrylic mounting surface for direct easy access and includes a safety interlock. SpectraWiz ID comes pre-installed on the systems tablet computer for elemental analysis.

$20,950.00Add to cart

StellarCASE-Raman portable Raman case system includes a Ramulaser™ 785nm Raman laser with adjustable power knob. Standard systems are equipped with a TE cooled Raman spectrometer for a detection range of 200-2300cm-1 with options for other ranges or configurations. Standard systems are equipped with an 8 hour battery life for field use and portable application and SpectraWiz ID comes pre-installed on the system’s tablet computer for molecular ID and Library Search.

$23,050.00Add to cart

ChemWiz-ADK-Case portable near-infrared case system for material identification and composition analysis. System includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation pre-configured for “Open & Measure” application with no additional setup required. The system includes an internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons. The instrument has an acrylic sampling surface, reflectance fixture with high stability tungsten halogen source, and patent pending 3-dimensional collection optics. Standard systems are equipped with an InGaAs detector and 8 hour battery life for field use and portable application. Additional, PLS calibration models can be purchased separately.

$4,415.00Add to cart

StellarRAD – Handheld SpectroRadiometer for NIST traceable light measurement from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. UV and near-infrared ranges are optional. Handheld-Radiometer measures irradiance, illuminance, xy chromaticity, dominant wavelength, CCT, CRI, the complete spectral distribution of all light 350-1100nm, and much more! The handheld system incorporates research-grade BLUE-Wave spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed StellarRAD Pro software and calibration, direct attach SMA-coupler, CR2 Cosine Receptor, IRRAD-CAL irradiance calibration, and certificate. System charging adapter and USB key included.  UV upgrade for 250-1100nm range for $500.

$5,775.00Add to cart

ColorWiz – Handheld Colorimeter for full spectrum analysis & research-grade colorimetry of solids, liquids, and powders from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. System measures real-time color parameters such as CIE L*a*b* & RGB with visual graph & color swatch. In addition, the system calculates Chroma, Hue, Luminosity, SRM, Lovibond, and EBC. Easily save a dE color reference and calculate color differences. ColorWiz incorporates research-grade BLUE-Wave spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed ColorWiz Pro software, includes integrated halogen light, reflectance adapter, & RS50 white reflectance standard. System charging supply and USB key also included.

$6,045.00Add to cart

ChemWiz – Handheld Spectrophotometer for full spectrum chemical absorbance & concentration analysis of liquid samples from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. System measures real-time concentration values based on user created chemical methods. Create your own linear calibration at any wavelength you choose and deploy your method for field and lab analysis. The ChemWiz incorporates research-grade BLUE-Wave spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed ChemWiz Pro software, includes integrated halogen light, CUV-HH snap on cuvette holder, & plastic sampling cuvettes. System charging supply and USB key also included.

$16,275.00Add to cart

ChemWiz-ADK – Handheld NIR Spectrometer for full spectrum and composition analysis of solids, liquids, and powders from 900-1700nm with <5nm spectral resolution. System has built in Analyzer Development Kit (ADK) that includes spectral matching save/search functionality and PLS builder/predictor software to make it the most powerful NIR instrument on the market! ChemWiz-ADK incorporates research-grade DWARF-Star spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed starter calibration models for a variety of sample types. System includes integrated halogen light, snap on reflectance fixture (RF-HH) & RS50 white reflectance standard. System charging supply and USB key also included.

$20,995.00Add to cart

StellarRAM- Handheld Raman Analyzer for material identification and composition analysis. System includes a handheld touchscreen with integrated Raman system preconfigured for “Turn on & Measure” application, with no additional setup required.  The easy-to-use, “App software” includes libraries for chemicals identification, explosives, narcotics, food additives, and much more. With a simple press of the “Analyze” button instantaneous match results are displayed on your screen. The software allows easy sample library development as well as admin and user privilege settings and PDF test/sample reporting. The systems contains a 785nm Class 3B Raman laser with adjustable power and Raman spectrometer for a detection range of 200-2000cm-1. Measurement accessories include a “point and shoot” accessory for measurement through plastic bags/containers and a vial holder accessory for sample vial testing. The system has a 6 hour battery lifetime and is delivered in a rugged pelican case for easy transport and storage.

StellarNet Services

Re-Calibration Services for Spectrometers and Lamps

We offer a variety of NIST traceable calibration services for our customers. StellarNet spectrometers are built rugged and often hold a calibration for many years! However, many customers prefer to get annual checkups and re-calibrations. This is a great way to ensure your system is maintained and the data you are taking is accurate. If you have questions or need a rush service, contact us today!
RE-CALAnnual NIST traceable spectrometer calibration service, instrument inspection, and x-axis realignment. Choose one from any of our Standard Calibration Services including IRRAD-CAL for spectral irradiance, RAD-CAL-SR for spectral radiance, RAD-FLUX for radiant flux, and low light calibration options. Each additional calibration is $350 with an option for a calibration certificate.$700
SL1 RE-CALAnnual NIST traceable calibration service for the SL1 Tungsten Halogen Lamp$450
SL3 RE-CALAnnual NIST traceable calibration service for the SL3 Deuterium Lamp$450
IRRAD-CAL-Replacement FileCopy of original calibration file supplied in electronic format by e-mail and/or replacement USB key.$150
Standard Calibrations
IRRAD-CALIrradiance calibration service in Watts/m^2 using NIST traceable lamp that covers 300-1100nm. Requires fiber optic cable and cosine receptor attachment such as CR2, IC2, IS4, IS6, IS8, or IS20. $350
IRRADUV-CAL Irradiance calibration service for 200-600nm. Requires UV-SR fiber optic cable and CR2 cosine receptor$350
IRRADNIR-CALSpectroRadiometric Calibration service for NIR range 900–1700nm $350
RAD-CALRadiant power calibration in Watts/nm 300-1100nm or 900-1700 nm also for LED Lumens/nm$350
RAD-CAL-SRRadiance calibration in Watts/sr/m^2 for Candela (Cd/m^2/nm) – requires CR2-LENS$350
IRRAD-CAL-LowLow-light level calibration to measure 10x lower intensity emissions. Please specify wavelength range needed. Certification document not included. Please Note: Calibration replacement file costs $125.00.
RAD-CAL-SR-LowRadiance calibration in Watts/sr/m^2 for low light Candela (Cd/m^2/nm) – requires CR2-LENS. Low light calibration performed with Lens assembly only$350
IRRAD-CAL-FastExpedited Calibration Service guaranteed <1.5 weeks. Contact for availability$550
IRRAD-CAL-DOCOptional Calibration Certificate with details of calibration instrumentation and date and signature of calibration technician$175

Spectrometer Evaluation Service

SESSpectrometer Evaluation Service. If system is determined to be faulty this fee will be deducted from repair costs.$450

Extended Technical Support Packages

Extended Support1 Year Extended Support: RMA Troubleshooting and appropriate technical support for re-installation or other issues, not to exceed eight (8) billable hours. Any repairs are additional. 1 Year of Technical Support, not to exceed 8 billable hours.295.00

Wizard-Care Extended Warranty Packages

Spectrometer OptionsPrice

SpectraWiz Software Packages

A Universe of software options developed by the SpectraWizard and his team!

StellarPro®Our new StellarPro Software for Windows/Mac/Linux is a combination of our popular SpectraWiz software with advanced tools and an application module style interface. Be prepared to have your mind blown. Built-in modules for Radiometry, Colorimetry, Chemical Absorption/Kinetics, Chemometrics, Spectral ID, Raman, Multichannel, Haze, Thin-Film, and much more!

$0.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz® Real-time operating software for Windows includes integrated applications for SpectroRadiometry*, traditional Spectroscopy (absorbance/transmission/reflectance), CIELAB colorimetry, LED color analysis*, ChemWiz chemical concentrations, UVabc* monitors, Solar Match Monitor, episodic capture for time series analysis.(*=requires irradiance calibrations), and much more.

$0.00Add to cart

SW-M-IMGBootable 32gb SD Card for Raspberry Pi pre-configured with SpectraWiz Mobile Application Source written in Python. Includes Concentration ($600), Radiometry ($600), Colorimetry ($600) and General Spectroscopy ($600) Application Source – Save $1400. Load into any Raspberry Pi 3+ or Pi-Zero and get a jump-start your custom project with modifiable optimized application specific source examples.

$1,000.00Add to cart

SW-M-GSASSpectraWiz Mobile General Spectroscopy App Source code written in Python.

$595.00Add to cart

SW-M- CSSpectraWiz Mobile Colorimetry App Source code written in Python.

$595.00Add to cart

SW-M-RASSpectraWiz Mobile Radiometry App Source code written in Python.

$595.00Add to cart

SW-M-CNASSpectraWiz Mobile Concentration App Source code written in Python.

$595.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz LV®Customizable Programs in LabVIEW ver 5.x & 6.x & 7.x & 8.x – Performs AU, %T, & reflectance spectroscopy with timeline trend graphs

$0.00Add to cart

64-bit Driver WrapperStellarNet 64-bit only driver wrapper for swdll. Facilitates compilation of 64-bit only customizable programs for developers and OEM customers

$595.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz® VBACustomizable Visual Basic Automation (VBA) program for direct spectrometer operation from Excel spreadsheet. Setup and run from Excel in absorbance, transmission, or scope mode.

$0.00Add to cart

NIST-VBASpecial version of NISTs Excel spreadsheet to measure CRI and CQS of white LEDs & lamp in “real-time” on WinXP

$0.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz-DEMO®Source code “demo” program in Borland Delphi Pascal for spectral display & capture, episodic time capture and conversion for Excel

$0.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz LV® Multi-ChanelLabVIEW Mega Program in LabVIEW ver 7.x & 8.x – controls up to 8 simultaneous spectrometers & radiometers – includes source diagram and is compatible with Wizard-Runtime engine for chemometrics models

$1,500.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz-IDSpectraWiz software with Spectral-ID application. Includes spectral emission database to identify unknown elemental peaks. SpectraWiz operates with up to 8 simultaneous spectrometer channels.

$1,500.00Add to cart

SpectraWiz-ID-FRLThe SpectraWiz-ID Forensic Raman Library includes over 200 narcotics, explosives, and chemical precursors

$1,500.00Add to cart

ChemWiz-ADKChemometrics model builder (Now available FREE in StellarPro)

$0.00Add to cart

Wizard-RuntimeRuntime engine for chemometric models – (Now available FREE in StellarPro)

$0.00Add to cart

StellarPro-TFCThickness and optical constants (n and k) can be measured quickly and easily using powerful user-friendly software which make daily complex measurements quick and simple. (Now available FREE in StellarPro)

$0.00Add to cart

Spectroscopy Pro-toolsSpectroscopy Pro-tools add-on software for creating amazing interactive multi-spectrum plots, tons of options for spectral processing and display, and spectral acquisition.
Academic Licenses are $150

$550.00Add to cart

Once you have selected all of your items by clicking the “Add to Quick Quote” buttons you can view your quote to make sure you have everything you need.  Next, enter in your contact information and you will automatically receive an itemized PDF quotation of all of your selected products. 

At anytime you can press the back navigation button in your browser to go back to the Online Quotation Generator page to add new items. if you have any questions. 


Prices are subject to change without notice. F.O.B. Tampa, Florida. Payment terms NET 30 days with established credit.
Spectrometer spectral range may be +/-10nm from specification start and end. Please provide specific requirements to StellarNet Sales engineers prior to placements of order if you have specific spectral range requests.

*** 30% surcharge applied to ALL ACCESSORY items purchased WITHOUT spectrometer instrumentation. ***
Items may be returned within 30 days for credit less shipping, calibration services, and a 15% restocking fee.
Custom items are non-returnable, including but not limited to Raman & NIR instrumentation as well as Software.
Please refer to the Official StellarNet Terms of Sale (