Color Measurement Systems
CIELAB Color Analysis and full spectrum SpectroColorimetry Request a QuoteDownload Instrument PDF- Reliably measure the color of liquids, solids, and powder samples
- Color Measurement Systems include a miniature spectrometer, light source, and a probe or cuvette holder depending on your sample type
- SpectraWiz easily measures CIELAB L*a*b* with Delta E* color differences
- Compare sample colors quickly and accurately. Color variation displayed as numerical value helps identify variation better than your eyes.
- Great for Quality Control, Process, and R&D applications
- ColorWiz App for iPhone and Android now available!
Spectrometers for Color Measurement
These instruments measure the color of solid and liquid samples using either a fiber optic reflectance probe, sample fixture, flow cell, dip probe, or cuvette holder. They’re great for use in the lab, field, or on-line/at-line production environments. Finally, the solution you’ve been looking for! Color quality control is now affordable with a StellarNet Color Measurement system.
Modular Systems
StellarNet Modular Color Measurement Systems include a miniature spectrometer, light source, and accessory depending on your sample type. The StellarNet BLACK-Comet-CXR spectrometer has consistent resolution throughout 280-900nm and is a perfect low cost instrument for any color measurement application. As one of StellarNet’s concave grating models it has low stray light levels because there are no mirrors in its optical bench. It is engineered with no moving parts which results in shock proof durability, permanent alignment, and a ruggedness unmatched by any spectrometer in its field.
Integrated CASE Systems
The StellarCASE-Color integrated portable case system includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation pre-configured for “Open & Measure” application with no additional setup required. The system includes a top mounted tablet with pre-installed Real-time spectrometer operating software for CIELAB colorimetry & dE color difference measurement. Internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons. The pre-configured spectrometer equipment is covered with an acrylic sampling surface and the sampling fixture head for easy measurement & clean-up. The system battery has 8 hour lifetime for field and portable application. StellarCASE-NIR also available for NIR applications.
Handheld Colorimeters
Handheld Colorimeter for full spectrum analysis & research-grade colorimetry of solids, liquids, and powders from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. System measures real-time color parameters such as CIE L*a*b* & RGB with visual graph & color swatch. In addition, the system calculates Chroma, Hue, Luminosity, SRM, Lovibond, and EBC. Easily save a dE color reference and calculate color differences. StellarRAD+Color incorporates research-grade BLUE-Wave spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed ColorWiz software, includes integrated halogen light, reflectance adapter, & RS50 white reflectance standard. System charging supply and USB key also included.
StellarNet Color Measurement Systems reliably measure CIELAB & Delta E* values. Applications include color measurements of food, beverages, industrial liquids, textiles, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and raw materials.
Current Customer Publications- click on the links to the right to see some current StellarNet customer applications involving color measurement. See more customer apps…
Color Measurement Featured Accessories
Solid and Powder Samples
The RPH Reflectance probe is a popular accessory for color measurement. The SL1-Filter Tungsten Halogen lamp with internal Color Equalization Filter (CEQ) is used to illuminate the RPH’s 7 input optical fibers. At the probe tip the 7 optical fibers are bundled around one 600um collection fiber which returns the reflected light to the spectrometer. The RPH probe can be used with the RPH1 Reflectance Probe Holder block that maintains a 45 degree angle and user set distance from sample or the RPH3 is a Reflectance Probe Holder stand for 90° angle measurements. The RS50 white reflectance standard should be used to take your white reference spectrum for all color measurement applications.
The RTIP45 is a black plastic tip has 45 degree angle and slides onto reflectance probe and locks to set position.
An integrating sphere, such as the IC2, can also be used in place of the fiber optic reflectance probe to improve measurement consistency. The IC2 has an illumination port as well as a baffeled collection port.
Translucent samples
The TXF-4 transmission fixture includes two collimating lenses which allows the sample to be oriented vertically as shown above. Custom posts can be designed to increase pathlength Interchangeable parts allow the TXF-4 to be easily converted into the RPH-3 using the same base and stand.
For measuring the transmission of thick or multi-layered such as bulletproof glass or curved samples such as lenses where light scattering may be present the TXF-IC2 is recommended. The TXF-IC2 includes 1 collimating lens and 1 miniature 2″ integrating sphere with 5/8″ collection port.
Coarse Samples
The RFX-3D Reflectance fixture has integrated light source to enable simple color measurement of solids and powders by placing sample on directly on top. Additionally the RFX-3D has 3 fiber connectors to the spectrometer each positioned 120 degrees in a circle thus eliminating the need to rotate coarse grain samples. Reflectance from 3 positions is combined using special 3-to-1 fiber for spectrometer.
Liquid Samples
For liquids, samples can be pipetted inside cuvettes and then placed into the CUV1 (4-way fiber optic cuvette holder) used for transmission, absorbance, fluorescence, and color measurements. You may also use the DPH fiber optic dip probe for insitu measurements or our ATR probe for darker colored inks and dyes. StellarNet also offers a variety of flow cells and industrial probes for process monitoring applications.
SpectroColorimeter Sample Spectra
RED Horseradish= L*=15.83, a*=29.598, b*=6.006
The BLACK-Comet-CXR 280-900nm, RFX-3D reflectance fixture, and an optical fiber can be used to measure the CIELab color of many types of samples. Simply place into a petri dish and set on top of the fixture. The RFX-3D collects diffuse reflectance from 3 different angles on a 1″ spot and is great for non-uniform and coarse grain samples!
BLUE CHICK PEEP= L*= 66.36, a*= -22.104, b*=-36.68
A StellarNet low cost spectrometer can easily be configured for colorimetry using a light source and a reflectance probe. The built in CIELAB app in the SpectraWiz software can measure quantified color data in milliseconds. These spectrometer systems are used for quality control, research, and production of food and beverages worldwide. Color consistency and control can be applied to many other industries and applications.
SpectroColorimeter System Options and Pricing
Preconfigured Color Measurement Systems
Colorimetry system for color measurements of solid samples. System consists of BLACK-Comet-CXR-100 spectrometer, SL1-Filter tungsten halogen lamp, R600-8-VisNIR reflectance probe, RS50 white reflectance standard, RPH probe holder, and SpectraWiz Spectroscopy Software.
Buy from Online Store$5,700.00
Handheld Colorimeter for full spectrum analysis & research-grade colorimetry of solids, liquids, and powders from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. System measures real-time color parameters such as CIE L*a*b* & RGB with visual graph & color swatch. In addition, the system calculates Chroma, Hue, Luminosity, SRM, Lovibond, and EBC. Easily save a dE color reference and calculate color differences. System comes with pre-installed ColorWiz software, includes integrated halogen light, reflectance adapter, & RS50 white reflectance standard. System charging supply and USB key also included. $5,775.00
Visible Spectrometers for Color Measurement
Concave Grating spectrometer for UV-VIS SpectroColorimetry, model CXR (280-900nm). Price includes slit, UV detector upgrade, integrated order sorting filters, and interface cable. $4,450.00
Miniature fiber optic spectrometer range 350-1150nm, 2048 element CCD detector. PC interface via high speed USB-2 connection. $3,360.00
Fiber Optic Accessories for Color Measurement of Solids or Powder samples
RFX-2 Reflectance fixture with integrated light source & F600-VIS-NIR fiber optic cable $575.00
RFX-3D Reflectance fixture with 3D fiber connections. 1-to-3 fiber connectors to spectrometer each positioned 120 degrees in a circle thus eliminating the need to rotate coarse samples (Requires F600-1TO3-NIR-3D) $785.00
F600-1TO3-NIR-3D Armored splitter, 1 meter, 1 SMA to 3 SMA. Designed for use with RFX-3D $430.00
SL1-Filter 10,000 hour Tungsten and Krypton lamp, 2800 Kelvin color temp, 350-2300nm, Requires UP12V adapter(not included). The SL1-FILTER includes a 0.5” diameter filter holder nose cone. Customers can use a variety of filters for spectral attenuation, band pass, and more. Includes Color Equalization filter to improve blue sensitivity $995.00
R600-8-UVVIS-SR Reflectance probe for UV and Visible; 7 around 1 with 600um fibers $785.00
R600-8-VISNIR Reflectance probe for Visible and NIR; 7 around 1 with 600um fibers $785.00
F600-VIS-NIR Armored, 600um diameter single strand, multimode fiber optic cable with black PVC jacket and 2 SMA conectors-2 meter length for wavelength range 400-2200nm $205.00
RTIP-45 45° angled tip for reflectance probes; includes locking screw for positioning $160.00
RPH2 Reflectance Probe Holder block that maintains a 45 and/or 90 degree angle and user set distance from sample (0-3/4") $210.00
RS50 Reflectance standard to set white reference, 50mm diameter $365.00
Fiber Optic Accessories for Color Measurement of liquids
SL1-CUV Integrated light source with standard 10 mm cuvette holder and F600 $995.00
DP400 Dip probe with 400um armored fiber, includes 10mm path length tip (requires SL1 light) $2,415.00
DP400-TIP Additional tips for dip probe. Specify 2, 5, 10, or 20mm path lengths $520.00
MFC Mini flow cells with 10mm optical path length with fused silica windows (optional Ultem, Plexiglas, Steel, Teflon or PEEK). $1,575.00
SpectraWiz Software
Free SpectraWiz Software The powerful SpectraWiz® spectrometer software is provided free of charge with every spectrometer instrument. This includes drivers and customizable software for Windows. The SpectraWiz software is considered the “Swiss Army Knife of Spectroscopy” and may be used to accurately measure wavelength emissions, reflectance, transmission, absorption, concentrations, and absolute intensities. In addition to real-time spectroscopy, SpectraWiz® has built-in applications for SpectroRadiometry, SpectroColorimetry, ChemWiz chemistry lab concentration analyzer, and UV level monitors. Download SpectraWiz Software FREE
CIELAB color app measurements
- L*: Brightness (0 to 100)
- a*: Green (-a) to Red (+a)
- b*: Blue (-b) to Yellow (+b)
- Delta E* color difference
- X Y Z tristimulus
- xy chromaticity
- Chroma
- Hue
- Select any illuminant (A-C,D50-D75,F1-F12)
- Compare samples to saved color standards
- Sample color values can be saved to text file
Measure Delta E* color difference • Compare sample colors quickly & accurately
• Color variation displayed as numerical value • Identify variations better than your eyes Save your own color standards for comparison • Open color standard file for Delta E* value measured against target sample Easily save color data into text log file • Import log into Word or Excel for data management and QC reporting
ColorWiz for iPhone and Andriod – Color Measurement App
The ColorWiz App for all WiFi-enabled StellarNet spectrometers makes real-time color measurement quick and easy. Acquire full spectrum analysis and research-grade colorimetry of solids, liquids, and powder samples!
This intuitive app lets users control their spectrometer and capture basic and more advanced color measurement parameters such as CIE L*a*b* and RGB. Colorimetric analyses such as Chroma, Hue, Luminosity, SRM, Lovibond, & EBC are also built-in. Easily save a dE color reference and calculate color differences. Save spectra, color metrics, and export as .TRM or .ABS text data file, screenshot, and/or PDF report with all parameters listed.
SpectraWiz MobileTM for Linux/RasPi
The SpectraWiz MobileTM for Linux/RasPi is designed to run directly on the SMART-Control spectrometer interfaces or can be packaged for your your requirements. Using the local access point or WiFi you can easily log in and run applications for General Spectroscopy, Radiometry, Colorimetry, and Concentration analysis.
The easy to use applications are written in python and provided free with purchase of a SMART-Control spectrometer upgrade. Source codes can be purchased separately and can be further customized to suite each user’s requirements. OEM customers can add their logos or additional computations and industrial customers can set their spectrometer and stream their data to PLCs or other process monitoring platforms. SMART-Control devices support RS232, 4-20mA Analog, 26 pin digital I/O, Ethernet, I2C and other options available upon request.
Interface Options
Standard Interface
The system includes a high speed plug & play interface using USB-2 connection.
zAP2 WiFi Upgrade
The zAP2 WiFi upgrade enables WiFi access to any spectrometer. Now use our new StellarRAD App on your iPhone or Android device. zAP2 WiFi upgrade can be added to all new and some old spectrometers in the field. Once added, the spectrometer runs as normal receiving power from the computer’s USB; if 5VDC power is connected directly to the BLUE-Wave, the zAP2 WiFi powers up and you can connect your device. Also, the zAP2 enables USB over IP and you can run SpectraWiz wirelessly on your Windows computer. $630.00
SMART-Control Interface Upgrade
The SMART-Control device offers communication flexibility and application specific customization for any StellarNet spectrometer. This add-on interface includes an integrated CPU with 1GB RAM and many communication protocols such as RS232, SPI, 4-20mA Analog for PLCs, Digital I/O, Ethernet, Wifi and many other options. The SMART-Control allows customers to move their spectrometers into process or OEM environments and stream their selected real world data. $2,100.00
Add Near Infrared to your Color Analysis
StellarNet Dual-Detector Super Range (DSR) spectrometer systems combine two instruments to cover the ultra violet, visible and near infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The two instruments work as one creating a unified spectral graph over the entire wavelength region, 200-2300nm.
Sample Color and Composition
- Measure sample CIELAB color and quantitative composition simultaneously
- Fast, easy results with little to no sample prep using reflectance fixture.
Technical Information Request
The StellarNet Star
This holiday season, we received an incredible surprise from our StellarNet team—a star named in our honor! The star is located in the Andromeda constellation, close to the Pegasus constellation. Its coordinates, RA/DEC: 00H 49M 48.8S +41° 04' 44.2, place it near the...