OEM, Industrial, and Custom Spectroscopy Solutions
Electronics, Optics, Lamps, & Complete Systems
Develop your integrated spectroscopy solution with us today!
StellarNet’s wide range of miniature spectrometers and complete line of light sources, optical fibers, and sampling accessories combine with software development tools and interfacing options to enable easy integration of various optical sensing techniques into end user systems or industrial applications. Any of our standard products can become your spectral sensing solution. Below we have outlined several of the most popular OEM and industrial spectrometer solutions as well as all of the software and integration tools you may need!
Mini OEM Spectrometer Engines
Introducing a new line of even smaller spectrometers for OEM applications at just 1x3x3″. These units are compact, robust and can include zAP2 Application Processor upgrades for local computing and wifi interfacing using our new SpectraWiz Mobile App software platform.
Standard Spectrometers for OEM
Many of StellarNet’s standard spectrometer products can be used for OEM applications and integrated into full systems. Check out some of the options below and choose which spectrometer line is best for you!
Fantastic Features for OEM
As a product integrator you may need a certain interface or an application specific output such as color, concentration or Watts. Customization is no problem with our awesome new features for OEM.
Software for OEM
How you acquire your spectral data and interface with your system is top priority. StellarNet offers a variety of software development kits to suit your needs.
The OEM Development Process
OEM applications are our specialty. Each OEM starts with a thorough evaluation of your application and an OEM Design Proposal.
Hire our Experts!
StellarNet’s team of engineers are on standby to help you design your required spectroscopy product. Learn about our capabilities…
By letting our technical sales scientists know that you are a potential OEM during initial discussion, we can provide you with all the information and tools you will need. With over 20 years of experience and industry knowledge our team is here to find you the quickest and best path to achieving your OEM goals.

Mini OEM Spectrometer Modules
Introducing a new line of even smaller spectrometers for OEM applications at just 1x3x3″. These units are compact, robust and can include zAP2 Application Processor upgrades for local computing and wifi interfacing using our new SpectraWiz Mobile App software platform. Options available for UV, VIS, UV-VIS, NIR and Raman applications. Multi-unit pricing available.
BW-OEM Spectrometer Engines
BLUE-Wave-OEM spectrometer engines are available for UV, VIS, and UV-VIS applications from 200-1150nm and are shock-proof with no moving parts. Advanced optical designs and built in temperature compensation features reduce thermal drift. All of the standard BLUE-Wave spectrometer wavelength options are available in this OEM compact module at just 1x3x3″. See all of the BLUE-Wave spectrometer options here. Also, zAP2 application processors can be added to the BW-OEM engines to allow for local application processing and external interfacing.

NIR-OEM Spectrometer Engines
NIR-OEM spectrometer engines are available for near-infrared applications from 900-2300nm and are shock-proof with no moving parts. Advanced optical designs and built in thermo-electric cooling and temperature compensation features reduce thermal drift. All of the standard DWARF-Star and RED-Wave spectrometer wavelength options are available in this OEM compact module. See all of the DWARF-Star spectrometer options here. Also, zAP2 application processors can be added to the NIR-OEM engines to allow for local application processing and external interfacing.
Raman-OEM Spectrometer Engines
Raman-OEM spectrometer engines are available for standard resolution 532, 785, and custom Raman applications from 200-3500cm-1. The sensors are shock-proof with no moving parts. Advanced optical designs and built in temperature compensation features reduce thermal drift. Also, zAP2 application processors can be added to the Raman-OEM engines to allow for local application processing and external interfacing.

Many of StellarNet’s standard products can be used for OEM applications and integrated into full systems. Contact us with more information about your application and we would be glad to provide you a quote.
Other Standard Spectrometers and Systems for OEM
BLACK-Comet Concave Grating Spectrometers
The BLACK-Comet Concave Grating spectrometer is also recommended for OEM use. This unit provides flat field detector imaging for continuous focus and uniform resolution across the wavelength range while minimizing stray light. No other miniature spectrometer on the market offers the advantages of the BLACK-Comet Concave Grating PDF. This unit is slightly larger in size (69 x 100 x150mm) than the BLUE-Wave and offers options for an integrated thermoelectric cooler.
BLACK-Comet Models |
Wavelength Range (nm) |
190-850 |
280-900 |
200-1080 |
220-1100 |
HR, SILVER-Nova, and Raman-HR-TEC
Many of our popular spectrometers have our larger optical enclosures in order to achieve higher resolutions and superior performance. Also, larger optical housings can allow us to integrate 1 and 2-stage thermo-electric coolers into your spectral product. Our line of HR, Raman-HR-TEC, and SILVER-Nova spectrometers can all be used for OEM applications. Contact us today to configure your OEM product.
StellarCase Analyzer Systems
Fantastic Features for OEM

StellarNet programmers can be contracted for additional customizations and modifications to meet your requirements.
zAP2 Upgrade
zAutomation Processor upgrade to any OEM engine adds internal CPU with pre-loaded SpectraWiz Mobile application software. Connect to your spectrometer via wifi.
SMART-Control Interface
Connects to any OEM engine and enables a variety of application processing and external interface options. SMART-Control includes pre-loaded SpectraWiz Mobile application software that can be customized to your requirements. SMART-Control devices support RS232, 4-20mA Analog, 26 pin digital I/O, Ethernet, I2C and other options available upon request.
Application Outputs for SMART-Control
General Spectroscopy: wavelength; intensity value
SpectroRadiometry: total power; xy chroma; CCT
Colorimetry: L*;a*;b* values
Concentration: %concentration; absorbance; wavelength
OEM Software Tools- a Developer’s Heaven
The powerful SpectraWiz® 32/64 bit spectrometer software is provided free of charge with every spectrometer instrument. For OEM customers, StellarNet includes drivers and customizable software for operation in WinXP/VISTA/7/8/10.
The SWDLL.DLL is the 32/64 bit SpectraWiz® spectrometer driver for use with popular Windows software such as Borland Delphi, Microsoft C/C++, National Instruments LabView, VisualBasic, and Galactic Industries Grams/32. The software required to interface with these other packages is included free of charge as part of the SpectraWiz® operating software shipped with each unit.
We have sample demo program source code available free of charge for software development using StellarNet spectrometers.
- SpectraWiz Mobile
- LabView source codes
- Microsoft C/C# source code
- Delphi (Pascal) source code
- Visual Basic source code
- VBA for MS Excel
- Python Application Driver
- Web Server
SpectraWiz® Mobile for Linux/RasPi
Our SpectraWiz Mobile application software is designed to run directly on SMART-Control spectrometer interfaces (Linux/RasPi) and connect directly to mobile devices. Using the local access point or WiFi you can easily log in and run applications for General Spectroscopy, Radiometry, Colorimetry, and Concentration Analysis.
The SpectraWiz Mobile application scripts are written in python and provided free with the purchase of a SMART-Control. These source codes, which can be further customized to suit each user’s requirements, can also be purchased separately. OEM customers can add their logos or additional computations and industrial customers can set their spectrometer and stream their data to PLCs or other process monitoring platforms.
SpectraWiz Mobile software includes many communication protocols such as RS232, SPI, 4-20mA Analog for PLCs, Digital I/O, Ethernet, WiFi, and many other options. In combination with the SMART-Control hardware customers can move their spectrometers into process or OEM environments and stream their selected real-world data (i.e. absorbance, color, Watts, etc…)
SpectraWiz LabVIEW
StellarNet offers a fully functional and customizable spectroscopy interface for LabVIEW. The LabVIEW programming environment allows rapid customization to adapt the software to any application. Current features include setting of all instrument configuration parameters, plotting of spectral data in Scope mode, Absorbance mode, Transmission mode, and even Irradiance mode. In addition, a time series function is built in that enables the user to select independent wavelengths and follow them as a function of time. This time series data can be exported to file and post-processed for kinetic parameters. In addition to the Spectroscopy Suite, basic VIs are available that allow the user to integrate StellarNet’s spectrometer into their existing LabVIEW application. OEM developers can also purchase CIELAB dll package for colorimetry or upgrade to our 8 channel labview source code for developers. More LabVIEW
VB, C, & C# Demo Sources
Each spectrometer comes with a complete software development toolbox of sample source codes and programs including SwDemo for Delphi Pascal – SwDemo for C# Sharp compiler – SwDemo for C SDK compiler – SwDemo for Visual Basic 5+
Visual Basic Automation (VBA) for MS Excel
StellarNet also offers a customizable VBA program for MS Excel that instantly grabs and graphs spectral data from the spectrometer’s swdll driver interface. Setup and run from Excel in absorbance, transmission, or scope mode. With our VBA modules, you can rapidly customize your spectral analysis to meet your unique research requirements. You can integrate this module’s data acquisition capabilities into your existing analytical spreadsheet, thereby enabling acquisition and analysis of spectral data without leaving the Microsoft Excel environment. Create custom reports, calculate and graph absorbance or percent transmission, all at the push of a button. It’s all here and more importantly, it is included free with your StellarNet spectrometer. More VBA
Python Application Driver and Web Server
StellarNet Python Application Drivers and Web Server interface opens the door for many system integrators and OEM developers. Our StellarNet Python Driver, stellarnet_driver, and stellarnet.hex files can be downloaded upon request once our Software License Agreement is filled out and returned (please provide details of your operating system and all requirements). In addition, we also provide a simple data acquisition script written in python 2 & 3 (stellarnetdemo.py) that can communicate with stellarnet_driver and perform a simple operation to set device parameters and acquire spectrum. Learn more
Our StellarNet Python Driver and JSON interface is now available for webserver implementation which allows fast control and access to JSON formatted data by applications on the same machine or across the LAN or Internet. A RESTful API allows multiple users to access multiple spectrometers in parallel using simple HTML format. Learn more
The OEM Product Development Process – Your Journey Accelerated
1. First Contact – Initial brainstorming with a StellarNet technical sales agent or an OEM specialty engineer typically leads to sharing our application knowhow and experiences with you. We have designed many custom spectrometer solutions and provided OEM modules to a universe of markets. You will learn so many cool paths forward during this stage!
2. System Design & Proposal – During this stage we take it a step further and our engineering team reviews all of your requested requirements and we deliver to you a thorough “OEM Design Proposal”. This proposal will include project outlines, diagrams, costs of systems prototypes, detail of required engineering (software and hardware), estimated timelines, final product costing, and of course validated spectroscopy measurements. Typically the StellarNet engineering team offers flat project proposals of $1500.
At this point, there is no commitment for continued work or contract for a future number of units. You may decide to move forward with StellarNet or just purchase our OEM spectrometer engines and do your own prototyping and development.
3. Prototyping – Once we have a finalized system design and the proposal has been accepted the StellarNet engineering team will begin prototyping the integration and optimization of your system! This is the fun stage and be sure you will be in the loop the entire ride.
4. Qualification – After a successful prototype has been developed and you have reviewed it thoroughly we now optimize based on your preferences. We also can review costs again to make sure your end product has the best margins.
5. Volume Production – The StellarNet manufacturing team now becomes trained on the building of your final product. We develop Quality Control documentation and specific testing procedures for your product.
6. Continuous Support – Our team of engineers, manufacturers and technical sales people are here to help you grow and are committed to your success. We can quickly solve just about any problem in the field as we have been doing with our own line of products for over 25 years. And we can help you develop your next generation product at the same time.

Local machining and rapid prototyping
Hire our Experts!
We employ optical, mechanical, electrical, and software engineers as well as an entire team of spectroscopists specializing in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. We are here to help you design your perfect product. StellarNet has a fleet of high performance 3D printers for rapid prototyping as well as local machine shops for quick turn around and good pricing on first articles.
StellarNet engineers can be contracted for additional customizations and modifications to meet your requirements. Tell us your story by filling out the form below and we will be in contact!