ChemWiz-ADK™ NIR Grain Analyzers
Handheld, Lab, and Process Instruments for %Fat, Moisture, Fiber, & Protein Request a QuoteWatch Instrument Demo
Analysis of Small Grain Crops such as Barley, Wheat, Oats, and Corn
Our portable Grain Analyzer can help improve consistency and efficiency of many grain processing applications as well as provide rapid on-site analysis during bulk trading to ensure product grade. Monitoring parameters such as protein, fat, fiber, and moisture will help you reduce cost and improve quality.
The ChemWiz-ADK–G (Grains) can be configured as handheld, process-line or lab mountable, or a rugged case NIR and can be transported between milling, laboratory, and bulk trading locations. It’s non-destructive and high speed sampling (several seconds per scan) ensures fast and low cost analysis whenever you need it. Become your own lab today!

ChemWiz-ADK Analyzer
Handheld or mountable/modular setup for within production environments. Great for quality control at receiving or trading locations. Great for technicians and routine daily inspections.

Portable for field or lab. Open and measure functionality with all hardware contained inside rugged pelican case.
ChemWiz-ADK PRO App “Technician mode” running the included starter calibration model for hulless barley displaying %Moisture, Protein, Fat, & Fiber
ChemWiz-ADK PRO App “Admin mode” interface running the included starter calibration model for barley and measuring moisture, protein, fiber, and fat. We show how the powerful ChemWiz-ADK PRO App allows users to add samples to the calibration model for improvement. The easy-to-use ChemWiz-ADK platform allows users to continuously improve their measurement capability by adding new samples or creating new calibrations for new types of samples or processing intermediates.
ChemWiz-ADK PRO App “Admin mode” model statistics compare and view. In this panel the admin can add their own samples in real-time to any calibration model. Admins can recompute and improve the chemometrics models with new samples added and compare the model statistics. If the new samples improve the model fit, then the model can be saved or saved as new, or the sample can be discarded and more samples added, repeat. This easy-to-use interface can allows users to customize every calibration model for their own local samples.
Starter Barley Package
Included with your system is our starter Barley Calibrations. These calibration models predicts Fat, moisture, protein and fiber in both pearl and hulless barley samples. The calibrations were generated using over 120 different barley samples varying in composition and has an estimated error of prediction less than +/-1% when measuring similar samples. It is the perfect calibration to get you measuring composition of barley samples.
Additionally, the system includes a starter Wheat, Oat, and Corn Calibration Packages. These calibration models predicts moisture, fat, fiber, and protein in these small grain samples. The calibrations were generated using over 30 different samples varying in composition and have an estimated error of prediction less than +/-1% when measuring similar samples. It is the perfect set of calibrations to get you up and running measuring composition of small grain crops.
ChemWiz-ADK’s Expandable Capabilities with NIR (900-1700nm)
Our ChemWiz-ADK platform is built with a user expandable calibration capability and a complete NIR range of 900-1700nm. This means that capabilities are endless! In addition to major components analysis, such as moisture, protein, and fiber, the ChemWiz-ADK can be calibrated for amino acid detection in wheat or properties such as hardness. Barley can be calibrated to predict Beta Glucan or properties such as energy as a feed or even fermentability. Our ChemWiz-ADK is not your basic grain measurement system. The platform can be calibrated to measure oilseeds and extracted oils and cakes (See Coarse Grain & Oilseeds). The instrument can also be calibrated to test flour milling at processing steps as well as test co-products such as bran and millfeed.
StellarNet Grain Expert
David Parrino
Technical Information Request
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