Satoshi Kurumi, Yoshiki Takano, and Kaoru Suzuki-Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Physics
We have tried to prepare superconducting (SrLaF)FeAs thin films by the photo excited pulsed laser deposition (PE-PLD). Theexcitation of As Sr and La atoms are observed in the luminescence spectra of the ablation plum during the deposition. The peakintensities due to above excitations become large when the ultra violet rays are irradiated to the plums. The X-ray diffractionmeasurements show that some oriented peaks of (SrLaF)FeAs are observed in the films produced by the PLD with ultra violet rays.These results indicate that the excitation by the ultra violet rays has an effective role in the growth of the superconducting thin films…. The luminescence of the ablation plums are measured by using a StellarNet BLUE-Wave spectrometer. As the optical fiber for the spectroscopic measurement is not used at high temperature, the luminescence spectrum of the plum excited by infrared ray cannot be measured.