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StellarNet Press Release May 2014

SERS Substrates for StellarNet Raman Spectrometers
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StellarNet SERS substrates for RamanStellarNet has released new high performance & affordable Surface Enhanced Raman (SERS) substrates for use with their line of low cost Raman spectrometer systems. The SERS substrates intensify Raman emission through plasmonic resonance, boosting signal by many orders of magnitude & enabling detection levels as low as parts per trillion for certain samples.

StellarNet’s SERS substrates have advantages over other technologies in low sample cost due to its unique nanostructure deposition process. Additionally, they offer flexible and quick sample application in the form of pipetting, dipping, or swab. There is no required sample drying and detection can be made in seconds!

SERS is a natural fit for many trace detection applications, from detection of pesticide, explosive, and narcotics residues to applications including anti-counterfeiting, R&D and industrial process control. StellarNet SERS substrates can be used with all of our low cost portable Raman laser systems and similarly equipped microscopes. for more information.